15 Signs You're In An Abusive Relationship With Your Cat

According to science, dogs love you more than cats. Yeah, no sh*t...

By Hugh Firth /

Cats. We love them, and why wouldn't we? After all, they€™re fluffy and cute (apart from the weird bald pink ones) and they apparently invented the internet or, more specifically, YouTube. In short, without them, the world would be a far worse place: they are our companions through the trials and tribulations of modern life and we wouldn€™t have it any other way. The problem is, our cats hate us, and now science has legitimately proven it (as per the results of upcoming BBC show Cats V Dogs that airs in the UK this week). Okay, so perhaps that€™s unfair, but the problem is, our cats look at us as a particularly big, stupid, weird bald pink cat who run around after them dropping treats as they glare at us. They hiss at us and we think we€™re in the wrong; they rip the living hell out of new furniture and we blame ourselves (€˜Maybe I shouldn€™t have left that couch out where Chairman Meow could get at it.") The basic truth is that, when it comes to pecking orders in the household, cats are at the top and we, the human €˜owners€™, are so far down that chain that even their catnip toys are placed above us. We still run around after them though, blaming ourselves, feeling bad if they ignore us and jealous when they rub against a guest (€˜That bitch Jenny€™s not coming round anymore because Winston Furchill was all over her.€™). Let€™s be honest, our relationships with cats are so skewed that we€™ve victims and we€™d never admit it. To that painful end, here are 15 Signs You€™re In An Abusive Relationship With Your Cat (all cat names come from AJ €“ the blogger at wantmorepuppies.com).