15 Things That Will Happen If You Get Into Pole Dancing

I have to put my leg... where?!

By M.L. Gabriel /

Getting into shape can be gruelling process. You have to adopt healthy eating habits that you're probably not used to, keep yourself from eating chocolates and bread and you need to work out between 3 – 5 times a week. It seems pretty paint-by-numbers, right? Well, we all know that if you’re not dedicated, your chances of succeeding are slim and your body, well that’ll be anything but.


There are ways to make the process slightly more enjoyable though, but none of it will ever be truly easy unless you have the right mindset. You could tackle healthy eating habits by trying out new and fun recipes with friends, join a wellness centre and even start a dancing class. Or more specifically, a pole dancing class. What better way to get into shape than to learn a couple of moves that make you feel sexy?

Or at least, that’s what the flyer says, doesn't it? "Get your body in shape the exciting, sexy and fun way!" What they don't tell you is the emotional rollercoasters you'll be facing, and all the other things in between.

Getting your sexy back is hard work, people. Strenuous, exhausting... scarily hard work.

Here are 15 things that will happen when you get into pole dancing. 

15. You'll Get Extremely Hyped Up

We all know the scenario. You get the flyer or see the workshop event on Facebook and you will invite two of your best friends along.


All three of you get so excited about the new hobby you’re about to undertake that you go out and buy new working out outfits, new workout shoes and boast about it on social media. You get together for one last cocktail or lunch before your official “new bodies under construction” phase, you eat the biggest steak on the menu, drink the most carbo-loaded drink and munch on frozen yoghurts afterwards. Or cake. Whatever tickles your fancy.

The next day you’re at the pole dancing class, ready to rise to the occasion and climb that pole like you’re some kind of exotic dancer in a high-society strip club…
