18 Problems Only Tech Support Workers Will Understand

Have you tried turning it off and on again?

By David Hooks /

In the 80s and 90s films and TV shows would always talk about the "nerds" and the "geeks" as being complete losers. The implications were that if either of those monikers applied to you then you were socially awkward, obsessed with technology and were, to put it mildly, unlikely to find a mate. There was no gender differentiation, even girl geeks faced the same ridicule and ostracisation. Fast forward to today and now even the "cool" kids want to call themselves "geeks". In fact, anyone who can work their iPhone or Windows 8 tablet thinks they're a "geek". So what of those who really do understand technology? Well, now you are into a realm understood by only the upper echelons of geekdom; this is the land, of the Techies. Techies are the ones who know how to get to event viewer in Windows using the run command. The ones who see an error code of 0x0000007b and know instantly what it means. We are the ones you call when you can't get something to work and we ride to the rescue when your kid breaks the connector off your external hard drive. We are the ones you call when your PC stops working even though you haven't called to say hi in weeks. Being a Techie gives one an understanding of the modern world that few others have. We are the witches and wizards to the general populace of Muggles and we know when you're lying to us. If that's you then this article is meant as a catharsis for all the frustrations of dealing with aunts and uncles who claim not be able to find the start menu or the email icon, or the girl from accounts whose PC magically freezes every day for "no reason" when you can see her internet browsing history. Come with us as we look at the world from a Techie's eyes and discuss some of the problems only a Tech support worker will understand: