18 Problems Only Tech Support Workers Will Understand

18. People Just Don't Know How Computers Work

For anyone under 25 this is far less of an issue since they grew up with computers as being ubiquitous, however, for many, many people a computer is that scary box in the corner that they're afraid to touch. They have no idea what happens during POST and not a clue as to how the Hardware Abstraction Layer affects the system. Techies know just about everything that happens between pressing the power button and getting a logon screen but most users don't even know to check the power cable is plugged in. Any sufficiently experienced techie has had "the call" where some irate user will tell you that it's your fault their system isn't working, that you must have changed something and that they will personally arrange for your immediate dismissal. You panic, you think "what changed?", you go through all sorts of questions in your mind then you take the plunge and ask "is it plugged in?". The response is usually that it is of course plugged in and that they aren't stupid, followed by some rustling noises as they check just to prove you wrong. Swiftly followed by "I think I found the problem". Oh, did you? YOU found the problem? Dealing with stupid questions is part of every tech support workers life but when the users don't even know that a computer has to be plugged in it really puts a crimp on your day.
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I.T. Consultant, technophile and Doctor Who fan. I like to talk about tech, take films apart and make excuses for Doctor Who's continuity errors. No other show has the power to make me feel like a big kid.