18 Things All Harry Potter Fans Know To Be True

Dumbledore loved Gryffindor the most and he didn't care who knew.

By Sara Weir /

It doesn't matter if your favourite character is Severus Snape or Ron Weasley, if you have a tattoo of the Dark Mark or a lightening bolt, or even if you prefer Richard Harris over Michael Gambon, because Harry Potters fans do not judge. As dedicated fans, we have all learned so much from reading the books and, as Harry's journey developed, so has our love and adoration for the franchise. No fan base is more united by the impact their chosen series has had on their lives, and it doesn't matter where in the world you are, as soon as you hear someone say "I like Harry Potter" you're practically best mates. That's because Harry Potter fans already have a lot in common - like everyone agreeing that those 27 publishers that rejected JK's first copy are well and truly kicking themselves in their pygmy puffs - but none ring truer than these beauties.

18. Book Dumbledore Is Nothing Like The Film Dumbledore

There is no denying that there are two sides to Dumbledore presented in the books. One side of his personality is quirky, quick witted and has a certain fashionable style about him. The other is calm, intelligent and trusting and depending on whom he is speaking with determines which personality is most dominant. But basically, Richard Harris represents the calmer Albus that is presented in the books and Gambon, the wild one. Both actors portray Dumbledore so differently and although they both do well to bring the character alive, there is no way that Harris would have yelled at Harry like Gambon did in The Goblet Of Fire. The biggest qualm that fans have is that even in the books, Dumbledore asks Harry calmly. CALMLY.