20 Emotional Stages Of Writing A Dissertation

I'll start it tomorrow...

By Sara Weir /

Writing a dissertation means that you have successfully reached the final stages of your University life and this is now the biggest academic hand-in of your Undergraduate career. No pressure. Unfortunately, you can't even write about the things that you really know and understand; like why Daryl Dixon should be your husband and how chocolate is the most important meal of the day. Writing 15,000 words on those topics would be easy but writing a thesis on Quantum Mechanics? Not so much. Especially if you're studying Comparative Literature. They say it's always best to write about things you know but after four years of partying and working in bars and retail far more than you should have, you still don't understand a single word that Shakespeare was saying. Writing your dissertation is not supposed to be easy but damn, they never told you just how soul destroying it is either. If you've written one already or are currently in the process, then you may recognise a few of these emotional stages...

20. When Did Everyone Else Pick A Topic?

How has everyone else got a title and an introduction ready when you haven't even picked which time in history you think was the most confusing: when King James VI/I legalised the killing of witches or when the Slave Trade was a thing just because people had a different colour of skin? You feel like you're already behind in the game and although you're panicking, you'll still go home to have a nap and then catch up with Netflix. You're not worried, you've still got six months until the deadline so technically you could write around 66 words a day and still get it done in time.