20 Problems Only People In Their 30s Will Understand

On the plus side, life begins at 40. Apparently...

By Andrew Dilks /

As everyone knows, growing up can be a lot of fun. After leaving the security of the parental home it might be daunting entering the big, wide world but at the same time the newfound freedom gained makes it something of a liberating experience. People in their twenties often feel like they have it all - no longer are they told what to do (well, at least by their parents - managers and bosses become another authority figure for people to battle against) and with the financial freedom brought about by fully paid jobs the world becomes their oyster. At least, that's the theory. Life isn't always as straightforward as that, and a lot of the time the high hopes and expectations we had as teenagers transforms into something of a pipedream once the harsher realities of adult life start to kick in. Once a person reaches their thirties a whole new set of problems suddenly start to present themselves, as it becomes painfully clear that life doesn't last forever, and despite you feeling unique and special in your '20s, the crushing reality is that they will all apply to you whether you like it or not.