20 Things Only Durham University Students Will Understand

There's no better place to study.

By Jack G King /

Durham University stakes a good claim for being the oddest in the entire UK. Which other city can boast both one of the grandest cathedrals and one of the worst nightclubs in the country, all within a five minute walk of one another? Which other university has facilities as terrifying as the library's moving shelves, as far away as Maiden Castle, or as bloody freezing as Elvet Riverside? Although it may have seemed completely alien at first, within just a few weeks you feel very much part of Durham's quirks and oddities. You no longer bat an eyelid at the sight of somebody unicycling down the hill, and quaddies don't strip the skin from the inside of your throat with quite the same vigour. School friends will soon begin to marvel at the new language you've acquired. Why do you keep mentioning "stash" and "ents"? What exactly is a "Hatfield" and why do you hate it so much? Here are a few familiar facts you'll definitely identify with, regardless of whether you're an overly-keen fresher or a jaded postgrad.

20. Matriculation Is A Big Surreal Hangover

A big formal cathedral ceremony is probably the last thing you'd want in the middle of freshers' week, but life's not perfect. Usually scheduled for the morning after the heaviest night of the week, matriculation is something of a toughness test to get into the university. Focus on the blurry old guy in front of you and try not to throw up.

19. The Library Entrance = Airport Security

The Bill Bryson Library (or Billy Bry, to it's friends) is the second most airport-looking thing in Durham, behind Butler bar. It's got the revolving doors, it's got the security gates, and it's got the sense of absolute terror when that alarm goes off as you pass through. If you haven't sneaked an unchecked book into your friend's bag to make them look like a dirty thief, you haven't lived.