20 Things Only Durham University Students Will Understand
18. College Bars Define Your Opinion Of The Entire College
You probably knew most colleges' bars before you knew anybody from them, and each bar carries a stigma with it that will taint your opinion forever. It helps explain why Mary's are so unpopular - their bar is a broom cupboard with Carlsberg on tap. This might also explain why Hatfield is so hated; their bar has a big tempting door which you get fined for opening. It's the most Hatfield thing imaginable.
17. People From Queen's Campus Are Eyed With Suspicion
Oh you go to Durham too!? Which college? J...John Snow? Oh. Students from Stockton are absolutely not to be trusted; they're a different breed entirely. Whereas you get excited for the occasional Newcastle night out, they feel the same about catching the elusive X1 all the way to Durham for a large one in Studio. You've heard about the way they live from a flatmate who went down for his friend's birthday. He's never been the same since.