20 Things Hipsters Have Ruined For Everyone

Excuse us while we apply an Instagram filter to this article's forced nonchalant pose.

By Sara Rowe /

gjsentinel.comOne of the fun things about meeting new people used to be learning all those weird little habits they had - it's these little things that make up the diversity of the human race and help make life interesting. But then, like the eleventh plague upon an unsuspecting world, the hipsters descended down upon society, and lo, the streets ran red with plaid and the sky grew dark thanks to an ill-advised Instagram filter. The big problem with hipsters however, is that they are actually rather difficult to define. Depending on who you ask, the characteristics that signal someone is a hipster can vary widely. But all of these characteristics are marked by the extreme degree of obnoxiousness with which they are carried out, which has caused a number of once perfectly innocent quirks to become a cliché when put together in one person. Suddenly, people who aren't even sure what a hipster is find themselves being labeled with the title. Hipsters have became something of a bane in the eyes of society, and people desperately search for them to condemn everywhere they look, no matter how far-fetched, much like the Inquisition did with heretics (except with less burning and torture). So here are twenty things that hipsters have completely ruined for the rest of us, making them hard to enjoy any longer. Thanks a lot, hipsters. Whoever you are.

20. iPhones

Fashion In My EyesIf you happen to have an iPhone, your chances of being called a hipster increase exponentially. They're the de facto tool of the hipster, who use them to take pictures of their vegan brunch and Instagram them with some kind of deep, insightful quote as the caption.

19. V-Necks

NBCV-necks were once a perfectly acceptable fashion choice for anybody. Now, a hipster's not a hipster until they've worn a v-neck that at least shows off a couple inches of chest hair or waxed chest (depending on what subset of hipster they are).

18. Typewriters

FXOnce the typewriter was the noble means to some of America's most classic literature. Now hipsters drag them to the park to write a manual about the organic garden they're growing. If he were alive, Ernest Hemingway would weep stoic, manly tears made out of whiskey.

17. Novels

NBCSpeaking of writing, we've all met that hipster that's been working on their "masterpiece" about drugs and existential poetry for a few years. Now telling someone you're writing a novel will often result in an eyeroll and a knowing smile, even if you really did go to college for four years to get an utterly useless degree in English.