20 Things Hipsters Have Ruined For Everyone

16. Sushi

GifbayGifbayThough not everyone's cup of tea, sushi used to be an exciting and exotic new food to try. Now it's a common date night activity for the typical hipster couple, even as they scorn how mainstream it's become - making other more normal couples feel both vaguely lame and a bit defensive for eating sushi on their own date night.

15. Scarves

Nickelodeon NickelodeonOh, scarves, how you've been wronged by hipsters. All you set out to do was protect our tender neck flesh from the harsher elements of nature's fury. Now you are worn ironically in the scorching heat of summer by men in short shorts and flip-flops.

14. Bowties

Comedy CentralComedy CentralDon't misunderstand, bowties are a classic staple of menswear and give a fun touch where a necktie might be a little more stodgy. But there's a time and a place for bowties... Hipsters do not know this time and place. They wear bowties with their swimming trunks, because their outfit wouldn't be complete otherwise.

13. Suspenders

CNNCNNMuch like bowties (and often worn in conjunction with them), suspenders can be done quite jauntily. But these were once a practical method for your grandfather to keep his pants up, and hipsters have ran away with them. Because hipsters apparently have made Larry King one of their style icons.
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Sara Rowe. 22 year old writer and blogger from Oklahoma. Graduated with my Bachelor's in English and a minor in Spanish. Love cats, soccer, reading, writing, and fashion. My life is rich in embarrassments but still an embarrassment of riches.