22 Mind-Blowing Facts About Richard Nixon

Did Lee Harvey Oswald originally intend to assassinate Nixon, not JFK?

By Chris Waugh /

Richard Milhous Nixon - a name that immediately brings with it connotations of corruption, disgrace and resignation from the highest office in the world. The 37th President of the United States resigned on August 9, 1974, having served for five-and-a-half years - and he has since become one of the most-studied and debated political figures of the the 20th Century. Nixon is an absolutely fascinating character with an extremely complex and, in some ways, contradictory personality - and that is exactly why so many historians have chosen to focus their studies on this former President. For this is a man who accepted an invitation from rock 'n' roll king Elvis Presley to make him a federal agent in the so-called "war on drugs"; a man who was named after an English King and who is descended from British royalty; and this is also a man who loved bowling so much he had an alley built in the basement of the White House, and who fancied himself as an American football tactician and allegedly cost the Washington Redskins a 1971 play-offs match as a result. So, here are 22 mind-blowing facts about the 37th President of the United States Richard Nixon - one of the most-fascinating political figures in history.