23 Things Only A Chocolate Shop Employee Will Understand

Come with me, and you'll be in a world of... endless dietary requirements and impossible customers.

By Freddie Rochez /

Of all the places to get your first job, this has to be up there: every child, at one point in their lives, has dreamed of working in a chocolate shop. 


Your friends all think you work for Willy Wonka. And, sometimes, so do you. You get to spend your days surrounded by confectionary, smelling the chocolate, touching the chocolate, tasting the chocolate. You know which boxes have the best flavours, which bars have the highest sugar content, and which products give the most grams of chocolate per penny. 

Basically, your days are spent in a giddy rush of foil wrapping, nougat, and cacao.

Ok, so you're still probably earning minimum wage on a zero-hours contract. And yes, the hours are rubbish, some of the requests are bizarre, and you're spending a minimum of eight hours on your feet each day. And, just as your mother probably warned you, you're ending every day with a horrific sugar come-down, leaving you desperate for something filling and savoury.

But regardless of the long days, the annoying customers, and the inexplicable demands made by everyone around you, you manage to make it work. Because you love chocolate, and chocolate loves you.

Whether it's a small independent shop or part of a large chain, there are some things that all chocolate shop employees, past and present, will appreciate.

23. Wanting To Eat Everything In Sight


This is the dream. You're surrounded by every kind of chocolate and candy you've ever wanted to eat. Milk, dark, and white chocolate abound. Caramel chocolate, chilli chocolate, strawberry centres, truffles, pralines... You name it, and it's somewhere in the immediate vicinity. 


Sometimes it's hard to remember that you're there to sell the chocolate, not eat it. And honestly, working in a chocolate shop will test your willpower to the very limits. 

Every hour that doesn't end with you in the fetal position surrounded by a nest of empty wrappers is a victory.
