25 Terrible Things That Happen When You Turn 25

You spotted that grey hair yet?

By Rachel Bailey /

You've turned 25; and suddenly it looks like a quarter-life crisis might be upon you. Is it a real thing? Turning 25 definitely involves asking yourself a whole series of questions you never had to think about before. Like, is this fish slice from John Lewis too expensive and should you just make do with the crappy one they sell in Aldi? Or, can you still manage eight jaegarbombs without feeling like you might be on deaths door tomorrow? Or, is it time to start thinking about children because your boyfriend's brother's girlfriend is having a baby and maybe all the family are expecting you to have one now too? Life is suddenly looking a bit more complicated; mainly because you've finally reached an age where you've got to look out for yourself. No more mummy and daddy funding your nights out - you gotta earn that wine fund now. No more odd jobs: it's time to finally decide on what looks like a successful career path. It's not all bad. Reaching 25 means moulding into the person you've been growing up into for the last quarter of a century. It's nice to know what you like and what you don't ('yup, I'll definitely opt for the John Lewis fish slice over the Aldi one'). There are just a few things that happen that you need to overcome in order to accept that you're quarter of a way to a hundred, and it's not always as easy as you'd like.