34 Everyday Encounters That Will Always Be Excruciatingly Awkward

Alan! Alan! Alan! Alan! Oh, that's not Alan...

By Sara Weir /

There are some occasions in life where you just want the ground to swallow you up and then you remember that you're not in a cartoon and in reality, no matter how long you close your eyes for, the person that you've just accidentally offended will not disappear but will continue to look at you with a gaping expression on their face and you brace yourself for the first punch. There are times when you've been walking down the street and your skirt has been tucked into your tights and it has been for the past hour but not a single person has had the decency to tell you that your bum is hanging out and flapping everywhere. You're in the club and you're waiting for the bass to drop except it's happened again, and you have released the beast way too early which is a big deal and no, it doesn't happen to everyone. There are a number of everyday occurrences which you try to brush off and have a laugh at despite the fact that you're sweating, your face is turning bright red and you go home, turn off all the lights, pour yourself a scotch and cry that one solitary tear which falls down your cheek.