5 Shocking Things You Were Never Taught About Abraham Lincoln

The truth about Lincoln, unchained.

By Quinn Steers /

Abraham Lincoln (1809 €“ 1865) is widely considered the greatest American President, and considering the batch from which we can chose, he really was one of the few contenders for the top spot. However, this Mount Rushmore style schooling has over time become distilled and tainted so much so that the lessons about Lincoln which we are so ignorantly parroted to millions of students are blatantly untrue. Lincoln is viewed as a champion of Civil Rights, a man out of his time for his support of black people and slaves, a peace-loving hero who saved the Union when in-fact he was nothing more than a warmongering dictator who possessed the most vile beliefs about so-called €œnegroes€; he was a white-supremacist, a warmonger and an all-around terrific politician, but not a terrific President. This all-too-brief article €“ I will extend eventually €“ will attempt to school you in my Lessons on Lincoln, which aim to teach people the truth about the history of the United States, a history which court historians and teachers have failed to communicate across. In my years of study on American History I have amassed a collection of thousands of hand-written notes on index cards which include quotes, news clippings, letters, commentaries and memoir notes by various historians, presidents and social figures. Currently I have my Abraham Lincoln box out which has 897 cards, naturally I cannot use all that info in each of my points, but it€™s nice to know how much I have to say about Lincoln, isn€™t it?