5 Things About America That The UK Doesn't Understand

We Americans have some quirky habits.

By Andrew Benge /

Gramercy Pictures

America is a proud nation, and rarely likes to admit fault. Instead, we make a clearly obvious mistake like the KFC Double Down, (a sandwich with two pieces of fried chicken instead of breading), or the KFC Famous Bowl, (a bowl full of leftovers, that you buy like it's new and fresh), and instead say "NO! This was intentional, and this is wonderful!"


We're that kid on the playground during a game of Power Rangers that insists you didn't shoot them, that they dodged the shot with their laser force shield deflector, and it bounced back and hit you. We make no mistakes, ever. There are a few things in the U.S. that makes no sense outside of our borders. From our ridiculous foods, to our patriotism, to our insistence that football is better than soccer, we seem to just do things weirdly different from everyone else.

Some of it's more benign and silly, some dangerous and stupid. It's a dark ride, folks, so sit back, relax, and let an American tell you why we’re the way we are, and while we’re at it, lets try to figure out what started the whole mess.

5. Patriotism

We here in the states take the American flag thing way too far. You’ll see them everywhere, from bumper stickers to napkins, hanging from every available surface, on t-shirts, belt buckles, lapel pins, fingernail art, to entire outfits. On top of that, there’s the mentality that comes with it. Anyone who complains about legitimate problems with this country is immediately labeled as liberal, and they clearly hate this nation.


The phrase “Greatest nation on Earth.” isn’t a brag, it’s a declaration that everything is perfect, and nothing needs to be changed.

So, where did this come from? Most likely the cold war. Post WWII propaganda and the 'Red Scare' forced this façade on people and made them ratchet the love of country up to the max. In a time when your neighbor could be the enemy, a communist, the only way to be sure no one thought you were a filthy red was to prove it with American flags, barbecues, and explosions in your back yard.

It’s come to a point where any critique of the nation at all is seen as a betrayal and treason, instead of what it really is: patriotism. If you truly love your country, why wouldn’t you want it to be the best it can be?
