6 Forgotten Gems Of The Internet

Unfortunately, most have now been forgotten, and some are even dead sites, but this is a tribute to them all.

By Stephen Kennedy /

The world wide web has been around for a decent old while now, and the Generation X-ers are no longer the only ones who have the slightest of ideas in how to use the thing. We've gone from brain-boringly offensive dial up modem tones to sleek and reliable broadband. We've seen the flash game fascination be replaced by enormous multiplayer online gaming. We've seen the world go from being ridiculously obsessed with pictures of cats, to being... Well, not everything changes. So now we've reached the point in time where we can look back at the internet's awkward developmental stage, yes, we could laugh at things like the infamous Space Jam website (pictured in all glorious magnitude above), but why not take a little look at the websites which actually brought us a little more fun. The websites which stole our time to a truly criminal extent. Websites which are more or less the reason why none of us paid any attention in I.T. classes. Some of the following are cartoon/amated comic websites, some are flash songs, and some are just websites doing their own thing, but each of them have a place in particularly geeky hearts. Unfortunately, most have now been forgotten, and some are even dead sites, but this is a tribute to them all. So, join me now as we take a look at six forgotten gems of the internet.