8 More Science Facts To Make You Sound Clever At Parties

Ain't nothin' wrong with faking it til you make it.

By Stevie Shephard /

Have you ever been at a party and felt as though the conversation has run away from you a bit? This could be a fancy dinner party with your girlfriend's work mates, or one of those deep philosophical debates that only happen in the kitchen at 4am, either way, you end up stumped. Well, not to worry, all you need to do is arm yourself with a couple of impressive soundbites, backed up with a bit of fact, and find a way to casually drop them into the conversation. Everybody will think you're smart, funny and interesting, and they'll all learn something new in the process, it's a win-win situation really. That said, you have to be careful who you drop your soundbites around, as you could run the risk of someone actually knowing what they're talking about, and that could get embarrassing.