8 More Science Facts To Make You Sound Clever At Parties

8. "You Can't Kill Ants In A Microwave"

This is, admittedly, a weird thing to say any time, let alone at a party. But, hey, it will make them remember you. So, basically, someone once opened their microwave to find that a bunch of ants had made it their home. Considering how many horror stories we're told about microwave radiation, this person naturally assumed that nuking the ants for a bit would make them much easier to sweep out. However, after a 30 second blast, they opened the door to find the ants alive and well, still enjoying the specks of tomato soup splattered up the inside of it. There are a couple of factors at play here. They are that (a) microwaves have hot spots and (b) the ants were alive. Microwave hotspots are created because the microwave is emitted from one side of the box, bounces off the opposite side and continues like this, creating a standing wave. This means that there are some parts that are very hot and some that are relatively cool. This is why your microwave oven has a little turntable in it, to heat the food evenly. Because the ants were alive at the time, they would have felt the temperature change in the hot spots and simply moved away from them - a luxury that is not afforded to your microwave lasagne.
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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.