8 Most Haunted Places In The North East

Why are ghosts never as friendly as Casper?

By Sara Weir /

Whenever you visit somewhere that is reported to be haunted, you sort of expect to see something supernatural and you'll be disappointed if you don't. Your senses are heightened, you're holding your breath and you take any noises to be a sure sign that you're about to be killed. But, if you weren't aware that the building you're in is supposedly haunted, would you have the same experience of it? You would probably be pretty happy to go to the toilet by yourself at 3am instead of waking up your mum to walk with you. You'll see a shadow and not be bothered because, well, it's just a shadow, and it's not the figure of a man who died 300 years ago. You might not feel bad vibes because you have no reason to but then what will you do if things begin happening to you that you cannot explain? Suddenly science and logic have been defied because you've seen something, and it's something that even you're beginning to doubt. Did you just see a ghost? Whether you believe in the afterlife and the supernatural or not, there are some places that you'll just refuse to go in by yourself. You'll get a bad feeling from a certain room and you'll feel yourself being watched when you're alone. You'll feel a hand touch your back, you'll hear a whisper in your ear and you'll see the shadow of a man in the corner of your eye before it disappears. If you're ever in the North East of England, you're guaranteed* to see these famous ghosts doing what ghosts to best; haunting people, haunting places and making you cry into your pillow at night. Whether they have unfinished business or they were unable to move on, there have numerous sightings and reportings of the same figures in these places. *there is no guarantee, sorry.