8 Ways Climate Change Isn't Messing Around

Everything is terrible!

By Stevie Shephard /


Let me tell you a little thing about climate change. It's a biggie.


Climate change is not an inconvenience that means you have to sort your rubbish into paper and plastic, it's not a political stick to beat each other with in the quest for short-term power, it's not even about the polar bears and, to be honest, it's not really something that's up for debate.

What it is, is a total f**king disaster.


Like, armageddon. No, I don't think you understand, this could be one of the biggest challenges humanity has ever faced and we're walking blithely into it holding a Starbucks in one hand and posting to Twitter with the other.

It's not just that things are going to get a little more toasty here on Earth, perhaps there will be less snow in the winter, the summers will be glorious and you'll have to go somewhere else for your skiing holiday.


No, just a couple of degrees shift in the global climate will not only affect everything from the seasons to the sea levels, but the wealth of entire nations, the amount of food you have, war, famine, disease. Like, the actual four horsemen of the apocalypse are potentially riding that climate wave.

But we're getting a little ahead of ourselves here. Lets start at the beginning.
