9 "Guaranteed" Visions Of The Future That Will Make Us All Look Stupid

What do we want? Touchscreens on every available surface!

By Stevie Shephard /

Chicago Tribune

It feels like a new gizmo or gadget comes out every day and it's easy to get caught up in the buzz of the science fiction future that we're all supposedly going to be living in.


As exciting as this all is, it would be wise to tread carefully. We've all pointed and laughed at those predictions from the early 20th century swearing blind that we'd all be flying around in personal helicopters by the year 2000. Or those earnest Tomorrow's World segments, when everybody gasped and clapped at the incredible 1GB of storage that computers of the future might have.

Predicting the future is a risky business, unless you limit yourself to horoscopes and Tall Dark Strangers, and confidently predicting the future of technology on the basis of the latest "big thing" in your own time can make you look laughably naive. Remember when we all thought QR codes were going to be the next big thing, or that flip phones were pretty swish?


Whilst it's very easy to get caught up in the hype, people will probably one day look back at us and laugh for our quaint ideas of what The Futureā„¢ will look like.