9 "Guaranteed" Visions Of The Future That Will Make Us All Look Stupid

9. Wearables For Pets

Fitbark Dog Tracker

Wearables are very exciting at the moment which is resulting to wild offshoots in the technology and leading to some people to excitedly exclaim that wearables for pets are the next big thing. As thrilling as your new FitBit is, slinging a step counter on everyone from your kids to the family pooch does not mean that you're living in a sci-fi utopia.

Wearable technology might well settle down and find its lane in the tech of the future, but at the moment we look more like a kid with a toy hammer hitting everything he can reach, than the slick early-adopters we'd like to think we are.

Plus, if you need a little computer to tell you to walk your dog, you don't deserve a dog.

The Exception: GPS tracking chips in collars or microchips would mean that you'd never lose your dog again.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.