9 Acts Of Kindness From Total Strangers That Will Melt Your Heart

These people will definitely restore your faith in humanity.

By Hello Kitty /

If you ever watch the news, you'll hear stories from around the world where people have been cruel to one another. You'll be devastated to realise that humans aren't just unkind to each other; they can also be unkind to animals and the environment. These actions have detrimental consequences which will begin to change the world that we live in, and it may be difficult to find our way back, especially when everyone feels jaded. However, there will be certain individuals who will completely restore your faith in humanity with a simple and selfless act of kindness. These people will make you believe that human beings are kind, generous and good, right down to their very core. They will make you want to rise and stand together to make a better world for yourself and your children. Although you're aware that superheroes don't exist, there are definitely some superhuman qualities inside of everyone, and more people should be dedicated to philanthropy and creating equal rights for all. We can be great, and we should always be moving forward with ideas to improve the lives of everyone, and we should do so with a sense of unity, community and compassion. Your actions don't have to be big in order to be heard. So the next time you see someone else who requires help, maybe think about what life is like in their shoes before you put your own needs before theirs. Hello Kitty is currently touring the UK as part of the Hello Kitty Summer of Kindness. In order to celebrate the campaign, Hello Kitty is giving away VIP tickets to the Hello Kitty Live: Fashion & Friends world premiere in London and tickets to Camp Bestival in Dorset on Twitter. In return, Hello Kitty is encouraging her fans to join her campaign for kindness by doing #OneKindThing for someone else. In a world where little acts of kindness can go a very long way, here are a few moments where strangers have melted the hearts of those that they have helped, and of those who heard about it.