9 Diseases That Are The Stuff Of Horror Movies

Hollywood ain't got nothing on Mother Nature.

By Stevie Shephard /

We love a good outbreak in our horror movies, there's nothing like a bit of contagion to really up the peril. Well, good news, because there is a veritable multitude of ways the human body could go horrifically haywire in real life too. Oh wait, did I say good news? I meant horrible, skin crawly, bathe-in-bleach news. Because the human body is an amazingly complex and finely tuned machine, when things go wrong they have the potential to produce some strange, fascinating and downright horrifying results. Just a little infection here, a tweak to the DNA there, a liberal sprinkling of funerary cannibalism and all of a sudden, you're sprouting new body parts whilst others drop off as you hallucinate wildly. So, hey, if you want to spend the next few minutes with this look on your face, followed by a swift bath in the strongest disinfectant you could find, come with me on a journey through some horrible bodily mishaps.