9 Reasons Why Being In Your 20s Is Awesome

It's all down hill from here folks.

By Anna Bonar /

There is a time in everyone's life when nothing seems impossible, when you feel like no one can stop you. It's the time when you live like there's no tomorrow. The time when bruises make you laugh, criticism pushes you forward, and failures make you stronger. Everything seems bigger and better than ever, the sun shines brighter and the wind blows from behind you, rather than in your face. When is that time exactly? As a child? No, when you are a child you live a life that someone else is directing for you. Try again. That's right, that special time knocks on your door when you're in your 20s. Don't forget to let it in. And yeah, I know that being in your 20s means that life is sometimes confusing and scary and you probably have little or no idea how your future will look. But don't let it hold you back. Sometimes it is enough to just look at it all from a different angle. How exciting is that? If you're not feeling on top of the world yet and need a bit more convincing push "NEXT" to discover nine reasons why being in your 20s is totally awesome.