10 Chael Sonnen Controversies We Won't Forget

By Jay Anderson /

Chael Sonnen is gone (maybe), but he's definitely not forgotten. Chael Sonnen is one of the most memorable characters in all of MMA, and he€™s had more scandals and controversies than you can shake a stick at. A master on the mic, and with enough skill to rival the best pro wrestlers at the talking game, Chael also has the legit wrestling skills to back what he says up in the cage. It€™s his antics out of the cage, however, that we€™re going to take a look at, in light of his recent drug test failure and retirement. Whether he€™s saying outrageous things about Brazil, carrying around a fake UFC belt, in hot water with the NSAC, or just naming a dish at his pizza place in €œhonour€ of Jon Jones, Chael€™s had enough controversies to fill several lists €“ so we€™ll settle for a top 10. Here€™s the thing though €“ you never really know with Chael. He€™s the Andy Kaufman of MMA, and like Jerry Lawler, anyone could be in on the gag €“ or not. We€™re guessing Jon Jones wasn€™t.