10 Players Who Probably Regret Joining Real Madrid

Come and be a Galactico, they said. You'll be adored, they said...

By Michael Ramsay /

The Santiago Bernabeu can be an enticing arena, but at the same time, a daunting cauldron of fire that is as unforgiving as it is electric. While players such as Cristiano Ronaldo and Zinedine Zidane have flourished following big money moves to the Spanish capital, there is an array of talents who have not tasted the sweet nectar of Bernabeu glory despite being given one of the biggest opportunities in world football. With ruthless, dictatorial boardroom members adding to the uncertainty surrounding the club, it€™s no wonder that players often find it difficult to adjust. With the media frenzy surrounding the Galacticos almost unbearable at times, incoming players can buckle under the pressure, knees creasing at the intense pressure, and the football skills that earned them the move evaporating shockingly. For many, a move to Real Madrid is the culmination of years of hard work: it serves as a vindication for their efforts on the field of play, as it allows them to rise to the next and biggest level. For some, however, the next level is a slippery foothold, as the Madrid machine ruthlessly chews them up and tosses them straight back out, showing them as not the Galacticos they thought they were. Take a look at the ten stars who must surely look back on their time at Real Madrid, and rue what they once thought was their dream opportunity.