10 Most Sickening Injuries In Sport History

Please be warned, the next few pages contain images and clips of an extremely brutal and graphic nature.

By Stephen Kennedy /

Professional sports men and women have an extremely high risk line of employment, aside from those who stick to the dangerous world of pool and snooker. At any given moment, the career of a professional could be immediately ended or at least decreased vastly by an injury. Sometimes those injuries might just be muscular, or minor breaks you could still likely receive in every day life. However, there are injuries which are much more serious, and can not only end the career of the sufferer, but potentially have a major impact on the rest of their life, physically or mentally. Sports spectators and fans, therefore, have the same sort of morbid curiosity as those who drive past a car accident and rubberneck to see if there's anything gruesome to spy on, as these injuries can occur at any time during the spectacle. What follows here are the ten most sickening injuries in sports history; some have been selected due to the overall magnitude of the injury (career ending, etc.), others for just how utterly disgusting they look, despite long term damage being minimal. So please be warned, the next few pages contain images and clips of an extremely brutal and graphic nature. Honorable mention: Before we start, a mention must go to professional footballer, Phil Babb. Back in 1998 Babb, then a Liverpool player was desperately running back to his own goal as Chelsea were on the attack. The attacking Pierluigi Casiraghi beat the goalkeeper and sent his shot goalbound. Up stepped Babb with a brave, breakneck-speed slide tackle to attempt to stop the ball before it crossed the line. What instead happened was Babb flew crown-jewels first into the post, having missed the ball in the process. Of course, it wasn't a serious injury, as he was able to play the very next game, and he probably found himself able to sing like an angel afterwards, but it's the sickening thud of the man parts on metal which deserves an honorary tip of the hat.