10. Allan Ray's Eyeball Pops Out Of Socket (Basketball)
Thankfully, this injury is one which definitely looks a lot worse than it actually was. During the Big East Tournament of 2006, Villanova Wildcats player Allan Ray was the victim of a freak and hopefully accidental collision with the flailing arm of Pittburgh's Carl Krauser. The result of the accident was that Ray's eyeball appeared to pop out of the socket. On appearance alone, this injury looks stomach-churning, as, and I'm sure you're all aware, eyeballs are at their happiest when inside the skull. In that split second collision, Ray is turned into a circus curiosity, as his eye appears to be barely attached to the inside of his head, and the fact that the incident took place live on TV is also slightly distressing, as we might be used to leg breaks and such being shown, but audiences are still rightly squeamish when it comes to the eyes. Luckily for Ray, the extent of the injury to his eye was only soft tissue damage, and temporary loss of vision on that side. What had apparently happened was that Krauser had poked Ray's eyelid behind the eye itself, giving the impression that the eyeball was bulging out of the socket. Ray was able to play the very next tournament, less than a week after the incident.