20 Football Injury Pictures Not For The Faint-Hearted

The most horrific injuries caught on camera.

By K.J. Stewart /

These days, footballers are generally perceived as being big softies - overpaid prima donnas who would rather moisturise their faces and style their hair perfectly than stick their boot in somewhere that might result in them receiving a little knock. All too often, the slightest touch from an opponent - or even no touch at all - will result in players going down like they've been shot and rolling around on the ground as if they're in agony when they clearly aren't. The truth is, compared to other sports - such as rugby or American football - the risk of injury in football is extremely low but, every now and again, there will be an injury that makes those who witness it cringe. Leg breaks, deep cuts, cartilage or ligament tears and concussions are just some of the injuries footballers are susceptible to when it comes to challenging for the ball on the ground or in the air and, in this article, we're going to take a look at some of those injuries in all their photographic... what's the opposite of "glory"? So, without further ado, here are twenty football injury pictures not for the faint-hearted (it should go without saying that some of these images are quite graphic, so please read on at your own discretion)...