All Newcastle's South Americans Ranked From Worst To Best

From Tino to Nobby and right through to Facundo, there's been some personalities on Tyneside...

By Chris Waugh /

Newcastle United supporters may be unable to watch their beloved Magpies in action right now, but those who need their regular football fix over the off-season will undoubtedly be tuning into the 2015 Copa America, currently taking place in Chile. Although there are no current Toon players fighting for their country's cause across in Chile this summer, since the formation of the Premier League there have been a total of 12 South Americans to represent Newcastle in England's top flight. The Magpies have had players from seven different South American nations represent them in the Premier League - four from Argentina, two from Brazil, and one apiece from Colombia, Peru, Chile, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. As well as playing 741 Premier League matches between them for Newcastle, they have also amassed a cumulative 359 international caps for their respective South American nations. In terms of how they have fared on Tyneside, it's fair to say each one of Newcastle's South American contingent have enjoyed different levels of success. But who is the best South American to play for the Magpies in the Premier League? And who is the worst? Well, here are the 12 South American players to have represented Newcastle United during the Premier League era, ranked from worst to best...