Liverpool's 5 Greatest Ever Premier League Seasons

They were the best of times.

By Henry Jackson /

Sadly for Liverpool fans, the start of the Premier League in 1992 coincided with the end of twenty years of dominance by the Reds: the 1970s and 1980s had been bossed by them, but now they had to sit back and watch bitter rivals Manchester United conquer all that stood before them. Despite this, there have still been numerous impressive campaigns by Liverpool over the last 22 years. Ok, that elusive first league title since 1990 continues to elude them, but considering their expectations have been lower than in previous decades, they have achieved great things at times. Gerard Houllier, Rafa Benitez and Brendan Rodgers have all created excellent Reds teams during their time in charge- the hope is that the latter will turn his current crop into champions one day- becoming one of the country's most formidable teams along the way. Selecting a top five is harder than it may seem, but rest assured the early 90s under Graeme Souness and disastrous brief stint under Roy Hodgson in 2010/11 are nowhere to be seen, understandably. But which seasons did make the list?