10 Ships We Need To See In Star Trek: Legacy

Crew assembled and now it's time to assemble one big happy fleet for Star Trek: Legacy.

By Clive Burrell /

Season three of Picard pitched the possibility of a 25th Century spin-off. There was a new Enterprise, a new captain, the son of Jean-Luc, and Q around to cause more havoc.


Now for some universe building. One thing that fans always love to speculate about is starships. Not just the hero ship for the season but the Federation fleet and beyond.

There might be vessels that we feel need more recognition, and others that deserve their backstory told. There may still be some that fans would just love to see more of on the screen. The makeup of Star Trek's Starfleet is as big a deal as any storyline or character. As with the 24th Century fleet from First Contact, it can also tell viewers something about the contemporary climate, like those more robust shapes to combat the Borg.

10. USS Enterprise-E

That one line in the penultimate episode of Picard ignited almost as much interest in the Sovereign edition of the Enterprise lineage as the opening doors did for the D's reappearance at the same time.


What it suggested was that the E is still out there somewhere, most likely in another hanger at the Fleet Museum. The conclusion of that series was always going to focus on the Enterprise-D that fans wanted to see, even if it was just to find out what shade the carpet was. However, teasing the existence of the sixth Starship Enterprise is too tantalizing for Legacy to ignore.

Sovereign Class ships are very much alive and well in the Picard era with several turning up in the celebrations turned mayhem of Frontier Day, as well as the USS Sovereign turning up on Prodigy.

Seeing the Enterprise-E back in the franchise would help answer some questions, not only for the audience but probably for Worf who still isn't convinced its retirement was anything to do with him.
