9 Ups & 2 Downs From Star Trek: Resurgence

The Dramatic Labs Star Trek game has arrived and seeks to challenge fans to the edge of the frontier.

By Clive Burrell /

Star Trek's history with gaming has been somewhat chequered. On the one hand there are true classics such as Final Unity, Bridge Commander and Armada but on the other there have been potential stumbling blocks such as the game version of Generations or the mixed bag that was the Into Darkness tie in game from 2014.


But in a very short period of time fans have been treated to two new games. Firstly the more "child" orientated Prodigy: Supernova and now Star Trek: Resurgence.

Long in development and delays, Resurgence is now out in the wild for fans to play, offering the most Star Trek gaming experience for years. Now let's be clear here, TrekCulture is not attempting to overview Resurgence as a full gaming review because that's not for us to tackle.

Instead we're looking at how this game fairs in terms of attraction to fans and the elements contained within it that make this Star Trek and not just a copy of something else. It's also wise to note that while this is a game available for the latest and greatest consoles such as the PS5, its price tag at around £35 backs up the notion that this isn't a AAA game.

Definitely one for the fans, the host website for the game does tease that this is the "base" game so it does indicate that the initial story of the USS Resolute may not be contained to this adventure alone. However, until then let's take a look at what makes Resurgence tick!

11. Up: Telling Stories

One of the biggest wins here is for the narrative driving Resurgence forward. Paced in the style of a true Star Trek episode, the game treads a very familiar path. Placing the crew of the USS Resolute at the centre of a galactic dispute is so very true to the franchise.


It's also not without its twists and turns. Opening on what appears to be a negotiations over dilithium mines soon becomes a mission of far greater significance to those involved and the Federation itself. The very nature of this initial set up drives players into the opening of a story that echoes the ethos of TNG and DS9 era episodes although there is actually more in play before the ship fires a single thruster.

It's well worth diving into the prequel five issue Resurgence comic to learn more about the set up for the game which explains the dynamics that newbie Jada Rydek finds when she sets foot on the Resolute for the first time. This adds a layer of depth to the story and could influence decisions along the way based on this knowledge of the crew.

Yet at its core and without that preceding knowledge players can still dive into a story that has clear moral principles true to the franchise at its core or choose to take a riskier path that branches into more conflicting narratives.
