Star Trek: 10 Things We Now Know About The Temporal Wars

Time and time again, Star Trek has teased the Temporal Wars, but what do we really know?

By Sean Ferrick /

Star Trek: Enterprise introduced us to the idea of the Temporal Cold War. It was an idea that was primarily aimed at connecting this prequel to the wider Trek franchise, allowing references to the well-known installments that had come before. It initially was a hard sell and the idea was quietly relegated, before the fourth season opener, Storm Front, wrapped it up entirely.


Except that it didn't, and what's more, the idea has ended up becoming one of the most intriguing aspects of the franchise to date.

With teasers for a fifth season that never came and the return of the re-named Temporal Wars in Star Trek: Discovery, there is now an abundance of tantalising clues out there. Still, what happened in the latter half of the second millennium? Why is Time Travel illegal by the 32nd century? What does Kovich know that he's not telling?

This list gathers together everything we've learned, from returning starships, to identity reveals, to plain, simple Carl, so that we can have a proper analysis of what we've come to know as the new 'Lost Era' of Star Trek.

10. Na'khul

In a way, the Na'khul come in at the end of what we know about the Temporal Wars. They make their first appearance in Zero Hour, though are featured primarily in Storm Front. They are a faction in the Temporal Cold War who believe that time travel is their right, regardless of the effect to the timeline.


Vosk, the leader of this faction, escaped his time on a one-way trip to an alternate Earth, in 1944. Limited to using materials of the time, he allied his group with the Nazis, thus allowing the latter to effectively win the second world war. This bargain allowed Vosk and his team to work on finding a way home to the 29th Century.

Lt. Daniels managed to transport Enterprise back to this point in history, with Archer finally ending the Temporal Cold War by preventing Vosk's return to the future.

Though the Na'khul have yet to appear in Discovery, or even be named on-screen, this gives the audience a definite end point to the war, though it is far from the final word on the topic.
