10 Amazing Doctor Who Moments You've Probably Never Seen

David Tennant's Tenth Doctor wasn't introduced in the way you think...

By Danny Meegan /

There aren't really any downsides to being a Doctor Who fan. It's a little frustrating that the gaps between each series have been getting longer in recent years, but then again, that's the perfect excuse to go back and binge-watch old episodes!


Instead, quite possibly the most difficult thing about being a Whovian is the fact that there's so much Doctor Who content to keep up with, especially in the expanded media world. Whether you're talking about Big Finish's extensive catalogue of audio dramas, or Titan Comics' colourful stories, the extended Whoniverse is a rabbit hole that's very easy to get lost in.

Today though, we're not talking about audio dramas, comic books, or novels. Even when you move away from these kinds of releases, there are so many onscreen moments that the vast majority of fans probably haven't seen, from DVD-exclusive minisodes that are difficult to track down, to oft-forgotten webcasts, to random bloopers, to extra scenes that never made it into the main show.

To put it simply, there are some terrific bits of Doctor Who out there that are very easy to miss - so we gathered a bunch of them up, for your viewing pleasure.

10. The Twelfth Doctor Recalls The Untempered Schism

Series 8's In The Forest Of The Night isn't topping any "best-of" lists anytime soon, but if this particular moment had made it into the final cut, the episode would certainly be remembered with a lot more fondness.


As mentioned by the Tenth Doctor in Series 3's The Sound Of Drums, it's customary for all Gallifreyan children to stare into the Untempered Schism - a gap in the fabric of reality - as a form of academic initiation.

Observing this great power affects each child in a different way, but it wasn't until this deleted scene from In The Forest Of The Night that the Doctor finally described what he saw, what he felt, when he gazed into the Schism:

"I saw a forest rise and fall, saplings that thickened into trees, leaves that sucked in the sunlight from a thousand million summers. The great trees falling, sinking into the Earth, hardening into diamonds, coal. I saw it all. The rise and fall, like the wave of a sea."

It's a beautifully-written speech, delivered with that typically excellent Capaldi flair.

In The Forest Of The Night is a frustratingly flat episode to watch - it desperately needed more standout moments like this, and it's a shame that many fans will have missed this scene entirely, due to its baffling relegation to the cutting room floor.
