Doctor Who


10 Moments That Changed Doctor Who Forever

Who knew a little bit of salt could have such dire consequences?
By Alix Cochrane

10 Most Hateable Doctor Who Characters

As the Twelfth Doctor probably said, "Hate is always foolish – unless it's directed at this…
By Mark Donaldson

10 Even MORE Times Doctor Who Appeared In Other TV Shows

Doctor Who, the Time Lords, the TARDIS... they get absolutely everywhere!
By Jacob Simmons

10 Doctor Who Moments More Disturbing Than You Remember

You might not remember them, but they definitely made you hide behind the sofa.
By Alix Cochrane

10 Terrible Doctor Who Ideas That Nearly Happened

Doctor Who can do anything, but there are times when it definitely shouldn't.
By Mark Donaldson

Doctor Who: EVERY Modern Series Ranked Worst To Best

With another Doctor Who series under our belts, let's see how the past 19 years stacks up...
By Alex Cuthbert

Doctor Who: Empire Of Death Review - 7 Ups & 5 Downs

Russell T Davies still writes like Russell T Davies. In other news, water is wet.
By Alex Cuthbert

10 Dark Doctor Who Moments You Weren't Allowed To See

“Everybody dies!” would've been a very different ending to THAT story…
By Richard Lloyd

10 Times Doctor Who Lied To Your Face

Rule one of being a Doctor Who fan? The showrunner lies.
By Mark Donaldson

Doctor Who: The Legend Of Ruby Sunday Review - 6 Ups & 4 Downs

Doctor Who's season finale begins, and the stage is set for a truly devastating climax.
By Alex Cuthbert