10 Best Brooklyn Nine-Nine Episodes

Brooklyn Nine Nine's best episodes?! Toight!!

By Michael John-Day /

Brooklyn Nine-Nine has never let up from being one of the best comedies on TV. Even after running for seven seasons, its wealth of superb writing and colourful characters make it stand out incredibly well within the sitcom market.


The show's setting as a police drama in a comedy format means that not only is there plenty of variety for humour, but an ability to let the episode narratives centre around compelling mysteries. Watching this group of detectives solve a crime can often be just as enjoyable as seeing them have fun.

The series has a perfect balance of joy and cynicism, which gives it a remarkable ability to examine dark concepts that only a narrative based around crime and police work can do. This blend of comedy and drama has allowed the writers to generate some superb TV, which makes the selection of the best episodes a difficult task.

Despite this, there are some chapters that quickly became fan favourites and to this day are considered to be the top tier of the show's quality.

This list has been formulated by evaluating IMDB ratings, general internet reception and the personal opinions of the writer. It will contain spoilers for the episodes to discuss them in detail.

10. Johnny And Dora

Brooklyn Nine-Nine - like many other sitcoms - involves an awkward love angle between two of its leads. This is something that has been seen in virtually every other comedy series, so it's rare for it to feel fresh. However, the dynamic between Amy and Jake is very well pulled off, as the awkward dancing around their romance mostly remains confined to one episode - that being Johnny and Dora.


In this outing, we see Jake confess his romantic interest to Amy Santiago in the opening moments, but they both remain hesitant about admitting any feelings. As the episode progresses, they work a case together and end up pretending to be a couple to keep their cover safe. Unfortunately for them, this forces all of the awkward tension to the forefront of their investigation.

Melissa Fumero and Andy Samberg have solid chemistry, and that comes across particularly well in this episode. The climactic moments feel incredibly satisfying and carry the chapter toward being one of the best.

In addition to the love dynamic, there are two exciting side stories centred on the other members of the precinct, with the final reveal of Holt's departure from the Nine-Nine being a pivotal moment for the show.
