10 Best Brooklyn Nine-Nine Episodes

9. Safe House 

Brooklyn Nine Nine

For a comedy show to survive, it needs to do a certain amount of things right, and one of the most important is to make sure the side characters are just as impressive as the leads. If this is well achieved, then many episodes can thrive by setting up connections between people you wouldn't expect to see together. The narrative of Safe House is a pure example of when this works to perfection.

Episode twelve of season five sees a threat placed on Holt's family due to his estranged dealings with the crime boss Sheamus Murphy. Thanks to this danger he insists his husband be placed in a safe house under the supervision of Jake Peralta, but Kevin struggles to manage his patience with Jake and becomes increasingly frustrated by Holt's overly protective requirements.

The dynamic between Kevin and Jake makes this episode incredible to watch, as they are polar opposites - even more so than Peralta and the captain. The bickering and arguments make the segment equal parts hilarious and uncomfortable. Additionally, the outing acts as a great insight into the relationship between Raymond and Kevin, which is always a welcome presence.

Overall the excellent character work contrasting the straightforward setting and premise makes this a fan-favourite episode.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!