10 Best Crime TV Shows (Since Breaking Bad)

Walk on the wild side with these recent crime crackers!

By Josh Mills /

Few shows in recent history have generated the fuss and excitement of Breaking Bad. The crystal meth crime drama had it all: great action, great performances, and most importantly, a wild and winding plot that made the wait between episodes agonising.


Its finale felt like genuine event television, and whether or not you liked the note on which they ended things, the loss of such a huge show left something of a hole in the crime drama schedule.

For fans of the genre, though, there have been plenty of great shows in the aftermath of Breaking Bad, many of which are every bit as good. There are series which pick up the mantle and tick the same boxes, and series which run off in wild new directions. All around the world, creators are bringing exciting, bold crime drama to the table.

Though none have become quite the cultural phenomenon of Breaking Bad, for a couple of ongoing series that genuinely seems to be right around the corner. There’s always money to be made from crime in the entertainment business, and if we’re not in a golden age, we’re in something close.

10. Peaky Blinders

Few shows have had as immediate a cultural impact as Peaky Blinders, if not on TV itself then on fashion. No one could have predicted the rise of the tweed waistcoat, suspenders and flat cap, but through the undeniable brash cool of Cillian Murphy and co, the Peaky Blinders look has become a must-have.


There’s a lot more to Peaky Blinders than sartorial trend setting, of course. Set in post-World War One Birmingham, the show takes us into a world seldom seen on screen, that of gang-run horse racing.

From there it blossoms with an ambition seen far too infrequently on British TV. The seasons are short, only six episodes apiece, but they cram a lot in, winning fans over with fast moving, often brutal action and a focus that boldly shifts from season to season (the progression of lead character Tommy Shelby beggars belief).

It’s not without its flaws (it tends towards the melodramatic), but Peaky Blinders is original and often daring, with an instantly iconic performance from Murphy and a relentless approach that keeps you coming back.
