10 Best Doctor Who Male Companions Of All Time

Here come the boys.

By Christian Bone /

The Doctor has had a variety of friends, of all shapes and species, joining him in his adventures across time and space but the idea of an archetypal companion still exists. They are someone from the present day, someone who is young and someone who is a woman. Though it must be said that the majority of the TARDIS€™ tenants fit this bill, many don€™t. Several are from different periods of history, some aren't particularly young and, yes, some of them aren't even women. When Doctor Who returns with The Magician€™s Apprentice later this year it€™s thought the Doctor might gain a new companion. Rather than having another young woman from the 21st century (after all, Clara€™s still around), the new companion could well be male. If so, it's a move that would bring a new dynamic to the TARDIS team. The leading man of Series 8 other than the Doctor was of course Clara€™s stay-at-home boyfriend Danny but, next time around, a less antagonistic character who actually travels with the Doctor might really spice things up. So to remind us of how well a male companion can work, let€™s have a look at the best friends of the Doctor who happened to be blokes.