Ever since Marty McFly and the Doc went back to the future in 1985, time travel has become a bit of a phenomenon in popular culture. After all its interesting to think about what youd get up to in a certain era in history. Would you kill Hitler? Or would you roundhouse kick the painkiller out of Bruce Lee's hand or pre-emptively remove Justin Bieber's vocal chords? The possibilities of time travel are endless and often lead to alternate futures, time paradoxes and other fun, potentially universe-breaking stuff. Time travel is certainly complicated, but because of that it can be used in a variety of ways. Thats why Doctor Who is the longest running sci-fi show ever: it has the entirety of human history to make stories out of. And when that starts to get stale they can explore another planet or throw a new alien race in to keep things interesting. The potential for time travel is only limited by the imagination of the writers. Of course, its easy to say that when we dont have to think about causality, continuity errors and all the other headache-inducing complexity that comes with constructing timey-wimey plotlines. Still, despite the challenges the following 10 TV shows managed to pull off amazing time travel episodes without a hitch. Starting with