10 Biggest Idiots In Star Trek

Amazingly, Wesley Crusher didn't make the list.

By John K Kirk /

In your life, have you ever been spontaneously tempted to declare someone an idiot without thought or regard to the criteria involved? To be sure, idiocy abounds all around us, but when you decide to assign the appellation of idiot to the myriad of characters in the Star Trek universe, then the need for qualification becomes of paramount importance.


Or else prepare to be besieged by an army of gold, blue, red jumpsuited asthmatics with plastic ears; or worse, leather-clad trolls with silicone cranial ridges screaming "k'plah" at you if you get it wrong.

In other words, you've got to make sure you get your Star Trek idiots right. So, we'll save the biggest idiot to the last, but in no particular order, let's take a look at this compilation of ten idiots throughout the franchise.
