10 Characters The Walking Dead Killed Off At The Wrong Time

The Walking Dead is understandably a show all about death, but sometimes the timing is a bit off!

By Jack Cullum /

The Walking Dead is known for its gory deaths sprinkled throughout the show. While they are used for shock value and to keep viewers hooked, many deaths serve the narrative in impactful ways. After all it would be unreasonable for all the characters to survive through a zombie apocalypse.


In fact some of the best and most memorable moments in the show all revolve around death and murder, be it Shane forcing Rick to kill him or Hershel having his head lopped off by The Governor in front of the other survivors. A good, well-timed death can be the perfect bittersweet ending to a character and stops them from losing their appeal or growing stale.

However there are some deaths in the show which could've been placed a bit better. Some people died way too early, many just as their story was starting to get interesting, while other characters could've exited the show with a well executed death but instead ended up sticking around for too long. There really is nothing worse than getting excited for where a story might take someone, then having all your hopes stomped out as they're killed off.

10. Axel

One of the prisoners rescued by Rick and the group, simply put, Axel was a cool dude. He was the funniest of the prisoners and immediately tried to assimilate with the group, quickly accepting the apocalypse for what it was. He also had a very unique attitude towards the fact he had been incarcerated, admitting that his time inside made him a better man. He also had a cool moustache.


Unfortunately for the reformed prisoner he didn't get to stick around long as he was shot through the eye by The Governor in the first prison attack. While the scene is fantastic as The Governor's theme comes pulsating in as Axel dies, it just seemed a little early to be saying goodbye to him already. His presence in the prison wasn't wholly welcomed yet he was able to get friendly with Carol.

Had Axel stuck around for a little longer we could've seen him become a core part of the group and perhaps even develop a relationship with Carol. Having him around for longer also meant he could've been killed in the fourth season's mid finale, adding to the kill count of the large prison battle, which unfortunately failed to reach the same insanity seen in the comics.
