10 Doctor Who Characters Who Appeared Outside The Show

"All of time and space" extends beyond the Whoniverse itself...

By Jacob Simmons /

The entire premise of Doctor Who is that the Doctor can go anywhere at any time, with the help of their magical flying cuboid.


So, naturally, the TARDIS has landed on the sets of other TV shows from time to time.

Doctor Who has a cultural reach that most other franchises can only dream of, so it makes total sense that other shows have tried to cash in on that over the years, by having characters from the Whoniverse turn up in their own worlds.

Dramas, comedies, animations, magazine programmes – Doctor Who characters have travelled far and wide to spread the good word, often turning up in places you'd never think you'd see them.

Some of them may be slightly different versions of the characters we know and love, but it's unquestionably them. This is a separate list to the various Doctor Who easter eggs and references found in other TV shows – you can find that video linked below.

For now, let's look at some actual Doctor Who characters appearing outside the Whoniverse itself!

10. The Daleks In Big Fat Quiz Of The Year

The Big Fat Quiz of the Year has been a staple of British TV ever since the first one back in 2004. 


The idea of the show is that a group of comedians get together in December to answer questions about the year that was. Sometimes they answer them correctly, but most of the time they come up with silly answers to make people laugh. It's a simple formula, but one that usually works.

In 2015, there was a special anniversary edition of the quiz, which is hosted by British comedian/waxwork figure Jimmy Carr. A staple of the programme is guest question-askers, and on this occasion, that honour went to one of the universe's biggest villains.

Carr introduced a Dalek to ask the show's final question, which was about best-selling media. This Dalek was of the iconic bronze design, which had been their main design since Doctor Who returned in 2005.

Let's just forget about the whole Telletubby Daleks thing.

Interestingly, one team partaking in the quiz included Jonathan Ross, a big Doctor Who fan, and Warwick Davis, who played Porridge in Nightmare in Silver. Small universe eh?
