10 Doctor Who Couples That Created Unrealistic Expectations About Relationships

They're still all better love stories than Twilight.

By Dan Butler /

Doctor Who has now been on our screens for over 50 years and it wouldn't be a bonafide British drama if it hadn't played host to its fair share of love stories along the way. Admittedly, some of them have been better than others. There have been the tender tales that have kept the nation on the edge of their seats, the riveting romances that have defied the realms of time and space itself, and then some lacklustre liaisons that the show, and us, would sooner rather forget, such as the Tenth Doctor and Madame de Pompadour, for example (he couldn't have loved her - he'd only known her a day!). The ever growing scale and scope of Doctor Who is tangible in its love stories, too. Doctor Who characters can't just fall in love these days. That would far too simple. They have to scatter messages to each through time, pop up in each other's lives in entirely the wrong order and generally make some noble sacrifice that manages to affirm their love for each other whilst somehow saving the entire world in the process. After all, as the old saying goes, love is all you need. Only sometimes, it's not. The truth is, the majority of Doctor Who love stories are so beautifully mesmerising that you'll never be able to replicate them in your own lives, no matter how hard you try. The course of true love never did run smooth and, to add further salt to the wound, here are 10 Doctor Who couple whose on screen love affairs only created unrealistic expectations about relationships for the rest of us. Because life's a bitch like that. Sorry, but it's true.
