10 Doctor Who Fan Theories That Will Blow Your Mind
The Weeping Angels have a secret...
Doctor Who is that rare show in which anything is possible. Quite literally. With time travel, parallel universes, a boatload of alien creatures and a magic screwdriver, the show's writers can create any story, world, character or species they like, with very few limitations holding them back.
And while this freedom does mean that the Doctor Who universe's rules and continuity are often harder to figure out than a tangled pair of headphones (with so many writers injecting so many ideas, things were bound to get a little confusing in places) part of the fun in watching a show with such a rich history and lore is the theorising: piecing together seemingly unconnected strands, solving plot holes, and filling in blanks.
And with an infinite amount of ways for fans to explain any contrivances they may have with the show, or any unresolved stories and subplots it may throw out, it's no surprise that Whovians have taken to the web in droves to share their own wacky, creative, and (sometimes) brilliantly logical theories.
So grab your sonic screwdriver and hop inside your TARDIS, and let's head down the wibbly-wobbly online vortex of Doctor Who fan theories...
10. Nardole Is Dorium Maldovar
One of the Twelfth Doctor's primary companions in Series 10, Nardole was first introduced in the 2015 Christmas special. From his first appearance to his last, we never really learned too much about the character, with most details about his history coming in the form of throwaway lines and jokey comments.
A couple of these comments included the fact that Nardole hasn't seen his real face in years, because he once swapped it for his current one while "on the run", and also, that he used to be blue. If combined, these two oddly specific details seem to hint at a link between Nardole and Dorium Maldovar, a blue, bald, black market dealer who first appeared in Series 5's The Pandorica Opens.
In Series 6, Dorium returns again, losing his head while fighting the Headless Monks in episode seven. This is possibly where Nardole's comment about swapping faces comes into play; since Dorium's body lacked a head, he could have slotted a new one on (the one Nardole has now) somehow. In addition, Dorium is fat and bald - just like Nardole - and he's also blue, a colour Nardole claims he used to be.