10 Filthiest Jokes In Doctor Who

Family show? Not always!

By Mark White /

One of the great things about Doctor Who is that it's a programme of many levels. It works both in the past and the future, on Earth and in space, entertaining men, women, countless nationalities, children and adults. Some of the episodes, and some of the jokes, are intended for children. The revival's made such a big deal about getting the next generation into Who, and we understand that: it's a family show. We'll take an episode about werewolves if it means we can have one with a Patrick Troughton reference, right? But what about those jokes that are meant for us? What about those references that will fly right over your kids' heads, but will leave you feeling embarrassed if they ask you to explain them later? Have you ever tried to describe the Doctor giving Rose a special hug? Here are ten examples of dirty jokes in Doctor Who that will shock you. Family show? Not always!

10. "Good" Queen Bess

Ah, Queen Elizabeth I. Will Doctor Who writers never tire of making sexual jokes about her? It's easy to suspect that Liz and the Doctor had a thing once; the Dream Lord makes a pun about how "She thought she was the first", and Liz Ten jokes "And so much for the Virgin Queen, you bad, bad boy." We nearly hear from the horse's mouth (the Doctor's, not Arthur's) in 'The End of Time': "Let me tell you, her nickname is no longer..." before he realises that he's rambling, and that Ood Sigma is not the kind of Ood to appreciate such smutty irony. It came down to 'The Day of the Doctor' though to confirm it, when the Tenth Doctor noted to himself, "Oh, good work, Doctor. Nice one. The Virgin Queen? So much for history." I'd like to think there was a brainstorm at the BBC, where Moffat and team decided what needed to be represented in the fiftieth anniversary; just think, someone's suggestion of the Doctor getting jiggy with royalty was valued above the entire Colin Baker era...